New Year's Inspiration
I think in terms of the day's resolutions, not the years'. Henry Moore
Artists it is a new year and it beckons you to take risks, stretch yourself and become the best you can be. I have heard many times that New Year's Resolutions really don't work. Perhaps this is true. But.....How can we as artists motivate ourselves to be the best we can be? I thought I would make a list of ideas for you to give you some incentive, as well as links from inspiring individuals.
- Be productive by thinking better, use this tool to achieve your goals; this is an excerpt from "Think Better" by innovator Tim Hurson.
- Choose a word that gives you a succinct focus on what you want to accomplish this year.
- Discover a new medium.
- Acquire a new skill.
- Paint larger, smaller, use different tools, or materials.
- Read Big Magic Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert
- Choose one powerful goal. I'm a firm believer if the goal is powerful enough it will overflow to all areas of your career and creativity. Check out my goal to paint 52 paintings in one year. Be sure to listen to the interview for more tips. "Challenge Yourself"
- Plan an art show and find a place to exhibit your art. (In order to sell your art it must be seen)
- Do something scary! Set a goal that is beyond all goals. BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal)
- Take an art workshop.
- Teach an art workshop.
- Create a website or update your website, including getting it mobile ready.
- Start a blog.
- Blog weekly
- Create a Newsletter.
- Join Pinterest, Instagram, or create a page on Facebook
- Focus on selling your art
- Find a mentor.
- Follow informative blogs: Red Dot Blog, Barney Davey, Alyson B Stanfield, Austin Kleon, Empty Easel, Lori McNee, Artsy Shark, The Abundant Artist, and of course mine Janet Vanderhoof
- Do a video demo, post it to YouTube
- Go to art shows, galleries and museums on monthly basis.
- Join "Doing one thing creative a day" with Michael Nobbs "Sustainably Creative".
- Read "The War of Art: Break Through Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles" by Steven Pressfield.
- Become involved in your local art community.
- And most importantly be consistent with your art practice daily.
Please mention in the comment area below if you have any more to add. I would love to hear your ideas and what you plan on accomplishing this year.
Blessing Of The Day
Definition: Merriam-Webster
noun bless·ing
: approval that allows or helps you to do something
: help and approval from God
: something that helps you or brings happiness
Why do I write the "Blessing of the Day"?
For the last three years, Monday through Friday, on Facebook, I have written a "Blessing of the Day".
The evolution of the "Blessing of the Day" starts with a sleepy eyed old crone, waking up to the world, looking for a conversation with the universe. "What does the Universe have to say to me today?"
Depending on the mood I go to the heart or the head. The heart always sets precedent and always makes the last decision. Sometimes the blessing starts with a word or even a complete sentence. This starts a progression to go deeper. I then contemplate on what is said and ask more questions if I don't comprehend or need further understanding. As long as I ask, the inspired beginning always takes me to an answer.
My life is a prayer and I believe that the smallest thing we do can make a difference. The "Blessing of the Day" can be a small beginning to a big day.
Some people respond, but some people prefer to read the blessing unnoticed. Some say to me, "How did you know I needed this?" Frankly, your guess is as good as mine; perhaps devine intervention. :-)
Something I have seen or heard, a book, a movie, a song or a dream usually inspires the "Blessings". My dreams many times have been the impulse of my blessings. I am always listening to what the universe has to tell me. And if I feel it's important enough I will write it down for use later. The "Blessing" is never hurried, but sometimes comes very quickly. Many times they come to me loud and clear in a voice unfamiliar to my own.
In a world where it is to easy to be negative and find fault, I hope the "Blessing of the Day", can counteract that energy. The "Blessing" is always brought to you with the understanding we are all in this together. The "Blessing of the day" gives me an opportunity to think about others first thing in the morning.
"Blessings" are very intimate for me and please know that my heart and love for you surrounds it. As you need, I need, we all need to feel included and not alone. We are all looking for guidance. It amazes me how a word of encouragement can change a person's life or be reminded that we are loved and make a difference. I believe in your power and your beauty.
So often we are caught up in a rut with our thoughts. We need to open ourselves to a different paradigm and shift into a positive new way of thinking; trusting that what we hear is what we need to hear.
We all have a higher self that knows better and wisdom is always available if we listen. My wish is these few words a day can shift our way of thinking.
I have always believed what we give away will come back to us and I have always felt very blessed. Imagine, everyone giving a "Blessing of the Day" to others, which would be a beautiful thing. The more you bless the more you are blessed. You have given me much joy reading and accepting the blessings.
I would love to hear from you if "The Blessing of the Day" has made a difference for you. Please leave your comments below.
How Long Does It Take To Paint A Painting?
Give anyone who asks this, the answer that Whistler gave to someone when asked how long it took to do his "Nocturne in Blue and Gold". He said, "It has taken me a lifetime to get to where I can even begin to do this".
—Guest Flora
It always amazes me when someone asks me, “How long does it take to paint a painting?” I had wanted to create this painting shown above for the last two years. I then realized that painting a painting not only means the actual applying of paint but additionally the process of which it takes you to get to the point of application; some say years, some say a lifetime.
I guess the other question could be “When is the painting done?” There is a point when one extra stroke could ruin it and one less stroke would leave it unresolved. I guess I would rather have one less stroke. On observing a woman painting one day, I noticed that she continued painting until she had painted five separate paintings on one canvas, because she refused to stop and get another one. Each painting was beautiful in its own right, but soon became something else. After seeing that display I would often think it would be great to have an observer to tell you when to stop.
My process most of the time is to take photos for inspiration, then I may play with the photo that interests me, either change the color, always the composition, eliminate, exaggerate, combine with other photos, etc. Then the process is in my head. I see the painting painted in my minds eye. In fact, I have been known to paint a painting many times in my head before painting. Sometimes I do small studies of the painting. So much of the painting is done prior to painting the painting the process could go on for months or weeks. I may come back to the idea over and over until it pushes me to paint it. My mind is full, my passion is deep and my energy is at its peak, waiting to erupt at once at the canvas. I need this tension prior to my painting.
Through this process it allows me to spew out the painting in a dramatic speed. I become an action painter, desiring to get out as much as possible on the canvas and as quickly as I can, fearing that my vision may disappear.
Everyone has his or her own style, which is another factor of time involved. Some are contemplative painters, some are action painters or perhaps a combination of the two. Some take years to paint a painting. Some have paintings that are ongoing and never completed, others may do a painting in a couple of hours. They are all approached differently, but in the end we all take our experience to each painting; we bring our education, our many hours of painting and knowledge of a subject, which is impossible to measure. All this combined can be added to the time it takes to paint a painting. So the answer to “How long does it takes to paint a painting?” could be 2 hours, a day, a week, plus 25 years; 25 years of experience.
And my painting isn’t completed until I sign it. Amen
** “Bicycle Memories” 36″ x 36″, acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas, Price $3240, If you would like to purchase this painting please contact me at or call (408)460-7237 Thank you!
Having an Open Studio yearly is a great way to show your work. Your current collectors and new collectors will have a chance to see first hand where your creations were first conceived, especially if you are a studio painter. I decided to be part of the Silicon Valley Open Studio this year. It was quite successful, yet there were a few things that I would change if I participated next year.
1. I prefer to show alone. I find showing with another artist is distracting.
2. It is very important that you pre-approve your address and correlating map to your studio, prior to it being sent off to the press. I have had more than one occasion that the map or address was incorrect.
3. Make sure you send out an email, a newsletter and or a postcard, notifying your customers of the upcoming show. I prefer to do a newsletter and a postcard. Note: Make sure that your postcard has an image of your art, something eye catching. This is where it is necessary that your customer list is ready including addresses for easy preparation. Send your postcards at least 3 weeks in advance.
4. Alert others about your upcoming Open Studio as you do your outings. Keep people abreast of your goings on. Keep extra postcards with you to hand out and also bring to any gallery that solicits your work if the gallery is supportive. You cannot sell if you don't have customers.
5. Show only your best work.

6. Have a variety of sizes of art for sale. You will be surprised customers will purchase larger pieces of work.
7. Give the customer more than one option for payment. I had Paypal, cash and checks.
8. Have signs posted locally and on main streets an hour before the show. They can be kept up if you are having a show for two days in a row.
9. It's not about the food. Make sure you do have food and drinks, but keep it simple. Take in account that it should be finger food and not messy. You don't want to see food on your rug or furniture. Also, make sure your drinks are light in color as well. I served cookies, nuts, pretzels, cheese and crackers. My drinks were water in small containers, and soft drinks in smaller cans. I purchased way too much food; people were more interested in the art.
10. When hanging your art try to have groupings that either goes by color, subject matter or size. I felt that keeping continuity in my groupings helped the customer locate the art that they were most interested in, with less confusion.
11. Have someone there to help either by guiding people around the home or helping with transactions or packing. PS. Make sure you have packing materials available: bubble wrap, scissors, tape, plastic bags etc. At one point I started to sell quite a few of pieces all at one time and found it would have been very helpful if I had an assistant to help me. You want to be with your customers not hidden in a room packing.
12. Give your customers room to breath and time alone. Know when to be present and when to give them space. Customers do not like to be hovered over yet at the same time they want you to be available to answer questions.
13. Make sure that you have everyone sign your guest book with name and contact.
14. Follow up the show within the next week writing thank you notes for attending, or for orders received. It's a nice touch and much appreciated.
15. Write down notes of what worked well and what didn't after the show. You think you will remember, but you won't. Having specifics for the next show will be a big help.
These are only a few of my tips, I would love to hear of any suggestions that you have that helped you have a successful show.
**If you are interested in purchasing any of my art or have questions, please contact me at or (408)4607237 Thank you!

Creativity takes courage~Henri Matisse
I’m not necessarily having a block, but I have had some issues with my health and my family’s health that have gotten me off track. When you are forced to take a break, it is a good time to evaluate where you have been and where you are going. It might be a good time to be open to change as well. Things seem to be better now all the way around and reading books have been a great way for me to unblock my blocks, and get inspired. One of the books I recently read that has been very helpful is “Get Unstuck Creative Block Discover New Ideas”, produced by Danielle Krysa.
Inspired by her book and adding most of my own ideas, I created a list of ways to help you unblock your blocks.
- Find inspiration from old books and magazines.
- Use reference photos, combine and mix them
- Go to art museums
- Listen to music
- Take something you would throw away and recreate it
- Pick a day to fail completely.
- Clean your art studio.
- Use a medium you never used.
- Use a tool you would never use.
- Use a feather, a sponge, and a stick, to draw or create with.
- Take a break
- Take a walk
- Google it, Google it deeper. Go on a “Google Journey”.
- Pick out your favorite paintings and art on Pinterest.
- Take photos with your phone. I enjoy using Hipstamatic and love trying their different lenses and film.
- Create with restrictions; limited pallet, limited subject matter, size or scale.
- Visit galleries
- Break your own rules.
- Give your critic permission to take a vacation
- Daydream
- Teach
- Take a common everyday item and make it into something else.
- Make your art into a “verb” not a “noun”. In other words enjoy the process, don’t focus on the end solution.
- Read creative art blogs.
- Do something random
- Work fast
- Do something wrong
- Doodle
- Use the IPad for drawing.
- Use reference photos from Flickr (be sure to ask for permission if not for personal use.)
- Dance
- Go somewhere you have never been before.
- Stop thinking, just play
- Watch a TED talk
- Watch a Youtube video on a new medium, how to etc.
- Watch a movie
- Give yourself a deadline to go back to work
- Go on an artist date
- Have goals and commitments
- Pick a theme you are interested and create a show around it.
- Ask yourself better questions? “How can I?” Is usually a good start?
- Don’t worry about what people think.
- Be ready when inspiration calls.
- Go to the library
- Keep a binder of ideas for times when you are lacking inspiration
- Push through it
- Do what you fear the most
- Use a timer, commit to being in the studio for 10 minutes.
- Read “War Of Art” by Steven Pressfield
- Don't wait for inspiration just "WORK"
I hoped you enjoyed these ideas. Please feel free to add what your favorite ways are to get back into the studio to create.