Embark On The Embarcadero

Can you remember the first life changing experience that lead to “Follow your bliss” or your dream?  Was it dramatic?  Was it inspired? Was it meant to be? Did you know what you always wanted?  Were you born with the dream, “I knew I would always be a singer, a dancer, a scientist, an artist”?.

Did your dreams take a detour?  Did others influence you?  Did extenuating circumstances, force you to do something else?

Did you believe if you followed your dream that you would lose the people you love?  Did you think others would think you were crazy?  Did you go against the norm?

Did you feel you were worth it or capable?  Did you believe in yourself?  Did you have someone believe in you?

All these are hard questions, I have experienced many of these situations on the journey to follow my dream, “Follow my bliss”, to become an artist.  “Follow your bliss, is the heroes’ journey”, says Joseph Campbell.  You will find a lot of dragons to slay along the way.  The challenge is not to be detoured and to not give up, to find a way to “Follow your Bliss”.

This is my thirty-fourth painting of my #paint52 challengeAtelier Interactive Acrylic on vellum, measures approximately 7″ X 11″, price $230.00.  The painting portrays the Streetcar found on the Embarcadero, adjacent to the Piers an addition to my San Francisco Series. SOLD

*All art from Janet Vanderhoof’s Fine Art Gallery, maybe seen in Janet’s studio at Morgan Hill, CA.   You may purchase through contacting my email jvander51@msn.com or phone (408) 460-7237.  Thank you!