Spring Opening at Colibri Gallery

Visit Janet at the Colibri Gallery

Just a quick note to notify you that I am having a show at Colibri Gallery, 17505 Monterey Road, Morgan Hill. Join Us for the Spring Opening Reception featuring my work on Saturday March 26th from 5PM- 7PM. Enjoy catered refreshments by Ladera Grill. The show will include “The Story of Twelve” as well as new artwork. All work will be cold wax on Arches oil paper mounted on cradled wood panels. The hanging turned out beautifully and I am proud to have you see all the hard work.

I would love to see you there. Please know that all are invited.
Thank you!


Hummingbird Don’t Fly Away 36″ x 36″

Hummingbird Don’t Fly Away 36″ x 36″

Open Studio

Open Studio Event Was A Success!

November was a fantastic month!  Why? Because I finally was able to see you in person.  I had a wonderful Open Studio November 6-7th.  This was Morgan Hill’s first Open Studio featuring 40 plus artists from Morgan Hill and Gilroy, CA.  It was a great success.

If you came to my Open Studio, you were able to see the unveiling of my series “Twelve of Twelve”, in which I took 12 of my favorite studies from 120 small abstracts and enlarged them to 36” x 36” in Cold wax on Arches oil paper.

Feeling the praise of the people who came to visit, not only allowed me to acknowledge all the hard work that I had done for this show, but it also validated 30 years of my experience in fine art. I didn’t realize how much it would fill my heart to see my customers in person and connect with you through my art. You were all so kind and encouraging.

You also, made me aware that I need to take my knowledge and set up some way I can share that knowledge either through workshops or online courses. I would be very open to hearing your suggestions. I had enough art lovers and artists ask me how to use Cold Wax medium, since that is currently my medium of choice.


It takes a village having a show. I want to give a nod to the Cultural and Arts commissioners Paul Lake and Suman Ganapathy, who had the vision to initiate the Morgan Hill Open Studio and Ellie Honl Herman Gallery director and Framing General manager at Colibri Gallery, who was a great support in making my Open Studio a success. She and her employees beautifully mounted my Twelve of Twelve series on cradled panels.

Below is a photo of their set up. They were able to take on the challenge of doing something unique and different for me.


It was a great feeling seeing my work come to fruition and seeing how beautifully they finished each piece.  I was very proud to show off my work knowing that they were quality from beginning to end. 

Thank you so much for coming to my show and if by chance you were too busy, here is a video of my Open Studio setup.  


I would like to offer that you are welcome to visit me anytime, either to ask questions or perhaps find a piece or two for your home.  Please send a message through the contact and I will get back to you as soon as possible to set up an appointment or answer your question.

Vanderhoof Art Giveaway

Art Giveaway!! 

As a celebration of my new website, I’m so happy to announce that I am giving away 2 pieces of original art. This is how you participate. All you have to do is be signed up for my blog newsletter. All subscribers old and new will have the chance to win. Both pieces are painted with cold wax and oil, plus collage and mixed media. They have been mounted on 6″ x 6″ by 1-1/2″ cradled panels. They are ready to hang. Each painting is valued at $100.00


Corbeau Noir 6″ x 6″ 1-1/2″

Corbeau Noir 6″ x 6″ 1-1/2″

Abeille 6″ x 6″ 1-1/2″

Abeille 6″ x 6″ 1-1/2″

I have recently revamped my website completely and would love you to join me by filling out the contact form. By doing this you will be updated to my blog, newsletter, offerings, and discounts for future purchase etc. So please sign up here. All entries must be in by 12 midnight PT, Monday November 1st. I will be announcing the winner next Thursday, November 4th at 10:00 PT. I will send an email to the winner Tuesday, November 2nd. The winner will have 24 hours to respond back.

Rules, this giveaway is for subscribers from the US only. Paintings will be sent with no postage to the customer first class USPS. This giveaway will also be posted on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. You must be 18 years or older and live in the US to enter in this Giveaway.

Good luck and thank you so much for entering!


This Is An Exciting Time

November was a fantastic month! Why? Because I finally was able to see you in person. I had a wonderful Open Studio November 6-7th. This was Morgan Hill’s first Open Studio featuring 40 plus artists from Morgan Hill and Gilroy, CA. It was a great success.

Time Travel  36″ X 36″

Time Travel  36″ X 36″

I am sure you recall when I wrote about completing 120 abstract paintings, starting on November 2019 and ending March 2020. (Source: One Hundred and Twenty Abstracts) The goal for creating these were to become familiar with abstraction. Little did I know that this would be a catalyst for another successful and productive time for me. In January 2021, I decided to take twelve of the best studies from the 120 abstracts and enlarge them to 36” x 36”. The series is called Twelve of Twelve (Source: Evolution Of An Artist Series) All Twelve paintings were produced on Arches oil paper with Cold Wax and oil, plus mixed media.

I am excited to say that I completed the Twelve of Twelve series on September 14th. It is with great satisfaction, that not only did I complete this challenging project, but that they also came out beautifully. They are now being mounted on 1-1/2” cradled panels for my upcoming shows.


Open Studio Event

I am having an Open Studio in my home, November 6th and 7th between 10 p.m. to 4 p.m.  You are all invited. The second show will be by invitation only at Cordevalle Country Club, Saturday, December 4th. If you are serious about finding a piece for your home, please let me know if you would like to go to the latter.

As I mentioned, this goal put me in a mode of productivity. I decided to redo my website entirely. With lots of help, I do believe that I now have a website that has fulfilled my dreams. I hope that you find it as amazing as I do. I would love for you to subscribe to my website for future notifications and information.

My next blog will be a notification on how to win a free painting or two, if you subscribe to my website. More will be announced in the next week or two. All subscribers old and new will have a chance to win.

I would love to see you at my Open Studio, I hopefully will have time to do a demo. You will also be able see and purchase many new creations.

Contact me personally on my website, and I will send you physical invitation. Thank you!


Artist's Way Tools

Recently, Antrese Wood, from Savvy painter, had a wonderful interview with Julia Cameron on Facebook Live. We all remember Julia Cameron from her infamous book, “The Artist’s Way”.  Julia Cameron just published a new book “Listening Path”, which revisits and elaborates further on her three tools; Morning Pages, Artist Walk and Artist Date.  Julia brought creativity onto the mainstream of conversation and wrote over 40 books, plus created plays, poetry and film.  

Morning pages are needed to be written daily. The three pages are written ideally in the morning, with a flaming pen; fast, no consideration for grammar, with a stream of consciousness. Write down anything that comes into your mind, yes even when it doesn’t make sense. When writing your pages there shouldn’t be any expectations, just as when you meditate.  Clearing your mind by doing the Morning Pages brings serenity and quiets the overactive mind. It is a great tool to help be in tune with your intuition and connect to your heart.

Julia recommends walking 20 minutes a day.  She believes that walking enables you to walk out a problem.  The repetitiveness of walking brings ideas to the forefront of your mind, as well as, the stimulation of what you see along the way can create solutions to your problem. We also hear guidance, as we walk.  We take small steps out of our block and into the creative world.

The Artist Date is done once a week.  She recommends choosing something mysterious, playful or whimsical and done alone. It doesn’t have to be Art oriented and ideally pushes you out of your comfort zone.  You want to enchant yourself; woo your own consciousness.  It is something Artist’s normally have a great resistance to.  We are reluctant to play.  Playing is absolutely necessary to fill our well of creativity.  When you go on an artist date you are filling your consciousness. Artist dates can allow synchronicity to happen. You are opening the door to endless possibilities.

Julia suggests that even during the Pandemic we can have simple Artists dates in the confine of our own home.  You can take these small adventures by doing things you normally wouldn’t do; perhaps listening to a frivolous podcast, taking a bath with fizzing bath bombs, produce silly crafts, treat yourself to a movie, create some nail art, learn calligraphy or create your own recipe.  If you need any extra indoor and outdoor suggestions for Artist dates, I suggest finding them on Pinterest. It should be fun, playful and enjoyable.

The three tools are to help us to create with more joy and explore new ideas. Julia wants us to be open to listening to our intuition, not our critic, when it asks us to try something different. As we create, Julia suggests that we create from the higher self.  She suggests, avoid being demanding that our art must be perfect and a finished product, but allow it to be a work in progress.  To paint in the present with joy, instead of painting for the future with an end in mind, creates two totally different experiences.  Julia’s mantra is “I can do it, if I don’t have to be perfect”.  

When we are too serious, our art suffers.  When we play our art grows.  May we all listen to our inner child and live a life of joy, especially during these difficult times.  Be gentle with yourself.  When you hear the higher self or inner child ask, “Just try” we can respond “YES” and allow ourselves to begin this wonderful journey to create with freedom.

*Just a note I recommend you join the Savvy Painter Community, by Antrese Wood.  Her podcasts rank among the top 30 educational podcasts in the world.  She also provides services, workshops and inspiration to all artists.