What I Know About Selling Art

Service, Service, Service
You can’t scrimp on quality.
Presentation is important.
Let your customers tell you what they want and listen.
The best ones do go first, you better be willing to let them go.
The more you sell the more you sell, sales feed upon each other.
Customers want to purchase from successful artists, so let them know you are successful.
Keep in contact with your customers.
Make your customers your friends.
Your customers have something in common with you; you both love your art.
Don’t be afraid to let your customers know what you are doing, your goals and objectives.
Customers love to know the story behind the painting. They also love to know the process.
If you are excited about your work, they will sense it.
Your art needs to be seen, the more often it is seen the more chances to sell your art.
You must be approachable.
Make it easy for your customer to purchase from you, have a variety of ways they can pay for your work.
Respect your customer’s time.
Honor your word and guarantee your work.
What tips do you have about selling art? Please share!
2k14 current footage 6052 sq. inches
*All art from Janet Vanderhoof’s Fine Art Gallery, maybe seen in Janet’s studio at Morgan Hill, CA. You may purchase through contacting my email jvander51@msn.com or phone (408) 460-7237. Thank you!
2K14 Challenge
2K14 is my third consecutive art challenge. In 2012 my challenge was called Paint 52, of which I painted 52 paintings in one year. Challenge Art20k for 2013 was successfully completed painting over 20,000 square inches for that year. Year 2014 will be different; it won’t just be about painting. It’s time to market my work. In fact, my word for this year is “exhibit”.
I have built a body of work for the past two years. Many pieces have not been seen in person, but only on social media, Twitter and Facebook. I plan on having three or more Art shows this year.
I still continue to paint numerous paintings this year. My goal is to paint 15,000 to 20,000 square inches. Because of your requests for smaller affordable paintings, I will be painting a variety of sizes. Don’t forget to contact me for commissions as well.
I’m currently showing at Gilroy Arts Alliance. The show will continue until January 12, hours are Tuesday and Wednesday, 2:00-5:00 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Please subscribe to my newsletter for further information on showings.
Thank you so much and hope 2014 brings you much success!
PS Look for posts of my paintings on Twitter @JanetVanderhoof #2K14 and also on Facebook.
*All art from Janet Vanderhoof’s Fine Art Gallery, maybe seen in Janet’s studio at Morgan Hill, CA. You may purchase through contacting my email jvander51@msn.com or phone (408) 460-7237. Thank you!
Challenge Yourself

Don't try to recreate something you've done before. Challenge yourself constantly.~Suzanne Partridge My setting a big goal for 2012 to paint 52 paintings in one year, caught the attention of Alyson B. Stanfield Art Biz coach. She invited me to speak to her Silver Incubator Group to tell my story; perhaps inspire them to take a leap and challenge themselves to a big goal. I’m now belonging to Alyson’s Silver Incubator Group, where like-minded artists join together on a members-only Facebook group to share advice and their experience. There is a monthly coaching call provided by Alyson, as well as a Monthly Special Topics call, of which this was one of them “Challenge Yourself with a Big Project with Janet Vanderhoof”. The Silver Incubator Group also provides audio recordings, transcripts and products, a plethora of up to date information to help you become the professional artist you always wanted to be. Below is the audio recording of my interview with Alyson, my gift to you, hopefully to inspire you to create your own big challenge.
*Painting above "Family Ties" measure 36" X 36" Oil and Acrylic on museum wrapped canvas-Price $3240 *ART20K footage completed 17670 square inches *All art from Janet Vanderhoof’s Fine Art Gallery, maybe seen in Janet’s studio at Morgan Hill, CA. You may purchase through contacting my email jvander51@msn.com or phone (408) 460-7237. Thank you!
The Pitch

What is a Pitch?
Just like baseball, a great media pitch is an opportunity to catch the attention of the recipient. The best pitches come from an angle not necessarily expected, which forces the receiver to take notice.
Luckily, I had Alyson B Stanfield’s wonderful book, “I’d Rather Be in the Studio”, a must have for every artist. Following her “how to”, I emailed it to my local newspaper and within 2 hours I not only got a response, but they also wanted to do a feature story on me.
Here is the pitch.
Dear Mr. Mark Derry,
An unexpected thing happened to me on my way to the door after Christmas dinner in 2011. Just like “Field of Dreams” I heard a voice, say I will paint 100 paintings in one year.
I have been an artist for the last 20 years, inspired to follow my dreams as a painter after my son with Down syndrome was born.
After much discernment I decided to challenge myself to paint a painting a week. I completed the challenge to paint 52 paintings on December 31, 2012 and now I have a challenge to paint 20,000 square inches for the year 2013.
“If you Paint They Will come”, has been my motto throughout this challenge. Great things have been happening as a result of this challenge one being an invitation to share 17 pieces of my work at Odeum Restaurant in Morgan Hill from May 30th to July 4th 2013, through the Art Around Town project of Valle de Sur Art Organization.
I hope this may interest you,
Janet Vanderhoof
(408) 460-7237
The newspaper article ended up being on the front page and a two page article with colored photos. Above photo by Morgan Hill Times, Chief Photographer Laura Schraft, article by Scott Forstner, staff writer.
"I Painted and They Came"

Well, it has been a peach of a year. The #paint52 Challenge has come to an end. Not counting one Twitter Art Exhibit painting and a commission shown above, I realized that I not only completed 52 paintings but 53.
What have I learned from this challenge?
Honor your word; it’s not just for you but for others as well.
Challenges can invigorate you.
Reward yourself often.
Set manageable goals and ones that can be measured.
Goals are not an end it iself, enjoy the process or it isn't worth it.
Telling your goals out loud makes you accountable.
You may have more talent than you realize.
Others are watching you, even though it may not be apparent.
The more you paint the easier it becomes.
One challenge leads to another.
Completing a challenge gives you credibility.
A great sense of accomplishment can come from succeeding in a challenge.
You can’t do it alone.
It takes a village.
I want to thank you all for your support, without you it wouldn’t have been the same. I especially appreciate everyone who has left a comment, a suggestion, or observation. I learned from what you had to say.
*Giclees can be purchased of above painting "Underneath II", please contact me for prices.
*All art from Janet Vanderhoof’s Fine Art Gallery, maybe seen in Janet’s studio at Morgan Hill, CA. You may purchase through contacting my email jvander51@msn.com or phone (408) 460-7237. Thank you!