Photo of Blake and I with my Paint52 paintings
Photo of Blake and I with my Paint52 paintings

What is a Pitch?


Just like baseball, a great media pitch is an opportunity to catch the attention of the recipient. The best pitches come from an angle not necessarily expected, which forces the receiver to take notice. 

Luckily, I had Alyson B Stanfield’s wonderful book, “I’d Rather Be in the Studio”, a must have for every artist. Following her “how to”, I emailed it to my local newspaper and within 2 hours I not only got a response, but they also wanted to do a feature story on me. 

 Here is the pitch.


Dear Mr. Mark Derry,


An unexpected thing happened to me on my way to the door after Christmas dinner in 2011. Just like “Field of Dreams” I heard a voice, say I will paint 100 paintings in one year.

 I have been an artist for the last 20 years, inspired to follow my dreams as a painter after my son with Down syndrome was born.

 After much discernment I decided to challenge myself to paint a painting a week. I completed the challenge to paint 52 paintings on December 31, 2012 and now I have a challenge to paint 20,000 square inches for the year 2013.

“If you Paint They Will come”, has been my motto throughout this challenge. Great things have been happening as a result of this challenge one being an invitation to share 17 pieces of my work at Odeum Restaurant in Morgan Hill from May 30th to July 4th 2013, through the Art Around Town project of Valle de Sur Art Organization.

 I hope this may interest you,

 Janet Vanderhoof  

(408) 460-7237


The newspaper article ended up being on the front page and a two page article with colored photos.  Above photo by Morgan Hill Times, Chief Photographer Laura Schraft, article by Scott Forstner, staff writer.