Where can you find my art?
Goals is the first step in turning the invisible to visible~Tony Robbins
If you would like to see originals of my artwork, I have many pieces currently showing at Fast Frame, 17505 Monterey Rd. Please drop in and either talk to Leah or Rachel. I also have artwork at my studio in Morgan Hill. I welcome you to come to my studio see what I am currently working on, as well as view the gallery of art throughout my home. In my studio, I am usually working on one or two new pieces at a time. I also love to do commissions. When creating a commission, I usually prefer to go to your home and get an idea of the space in which the art will be showing. You may contact me through the contact on my website or you are welcome to call me at (408)460-7237 or email jvander51@gmail.com to set up an appointment.
I also have other alternatives to purchasing my original art. Fine Art America online does a wonderful job of printing my artwork. I have used their services myself to guarantee quality, and have been very pleased. Ordering and shipping is quick and easy. Also, the selection of images are some of my finest paintings, which most of the originals have been sold.
In addition, I am proud to be showing my prints on the website Art That Fits, a Larson-Juhl Co. a division of a Berkshire Hathaway Company; known for their high quality and service. There are currently 40 images of my work to choose from.
My limited additions are being sold by my publisher Grand Image for Healthcare, Corporate and Residential.
I post my art on social media sites Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. I would love that you could follow me.
Hopefully, this will make it easier for you to locate my art and also contact me. If you have any questions, please message me through the contact form above.
Thank you for your patronage.
PS This is a page you may want to print for safekeeping.
New Year's Inspiration
I think in terms of the day's resolutions, not the years'. Henry Moore
Artists it is a new year and it beckons you to take risks, stretch yourself and become the best you can be. I have heard many times that New Year's Resolutions really don't work. Perhaps this is true. But.....How can we as artists motivate ourselves to be the best we can be? I thought I would make a list of ideas for you to give you some incentive, as well as links from inspiring individuals.
- Be productive by thinking better, use this tool to achieve your goals; this is an excerpt from "Think Better" by innovator Tim Hurson.
- Choose a word that gives you a succinct focus on what you want to accomplish this year.
- Discover a new medium.
- Acquire a new skill.
- Paint larger, smaller, use different tools, or materials.
- Read Big Magic Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert
- Choose one powerful goal. I'm a firm believer if the goal is powerful enough it will overflow to all areas of your career and creativity. Check out my goal to paint 52 paintings in one year. Be sure to listen to the interview for more tips. "Challenge Yourself"
- Plan an art show and find a place to exhibit your art. (In order to sell your art it must be seen)
- Do something scary! Set a goal that is beyond all goals. BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal)
- Take an art workshop.
- Teach an art workshop.
- Create a website or update your website, including getting it mobile ready.
- Start a blog.
- Blog weekly
- Create a Newsletter.
- Join Pinterest, Instagram, or create a page on Facebook
- Focus on selling your art
- Find a mentor.
- Follow informative blogs: Red Dot Blog, Barney Davey, Alyson B Stanfield, Austin Kleon, Empty Easel, Lori McNee, Artsy Shark, The Abundant Artist, and of course mine Janet Vanderhoof
- Do a video demo, post it to YouTube
- Go to art shows, galleries and museums on monthly basis.
- Join "Doing one thing creative a day" with Michael Nobbs "Sustainably Creative".
- Read "The War of Art: Break Through Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles" by Steven Pressfield.
- Become involved in your local art community.
- And most importantly be consistent with your art practice daily.
Please mention in the comment area below if you have any more to add. I would love to hear your ideas and what you plan on accomplishing this year.
What I Know About Selling Art

Service, Service, Service
You can’t scrimp on quality.
Presentation is important.
Let your customers tell you what they want and listen.
The best ones do go first, you better be willing to let them go.
The more you sell the more you sell, sales feed upon each other.
Customers want to purchase from successful artists, so let them know you are successful.
Keep in contact with your customers.
Make your customers your friends.
Your customers have something in common with you; you both love your art.
Don’t be afraid to let your customers know what you are doing, your goals and objectives.
Customers love to know the story behind the painting. They also love to know the process.
If you are excited about your work, they will sense it.
Your art needs to be seen, the more often it is seen the more chances to sell your art.
You must be approachable.
Make it easy for your customer to purchase from you, have a variety of ways they can pay for your work.
Respect your customer’s time.
Honor your word and guarantee your work.
What tips do you have about selling art? Please share!
2k14 current footage 6052 sq. inches
*All art from Janet Vanderhoof’s Fine Art Gallery, maybe seen in Janet’s studio at Morgan Hill, CA. You may purchase through contacting my email jvander51@msn.com or phone (408) 460-7237. Thank you!
Living On A Prayer

"The outer limit of your potential is determined solely by your own beliefs and your own confidence in what you think is possible." -– Brian Tracy
We’ve all had setbacks. I have had some major ones in my life that started at a young age, especially my father dying when I was 9 years old. My mother sold our home took us out of school and moved to France. I could understand her reasoning’s, since she felt alone and needed to be with her family, but for me that was a lot to absorb. We returned to the United States six months later, due to lack of schools provided in France.
My mother worked full-time, I became a latchkey kid. I was pretty much alone and on my own.
I was brought up to survive.
I had lost my self-esteem and confidence.
We may not realize it, but what we say to others may not seem of any significance, but it may change another person’s life and I thank God for those experiences. My first experience of this was on my graduation day from high school. A simple note from my future brother-in-law saying, “Don’t stop here, the next best 4 years are ahead” had influenced me to go to college. I never believed I could or would go to college. “Wow, someone had faith in me.” It pushed me just enough to complete a two year college and then transfer to San Jose State University, where I majored in Speech Pathology and Audiology.
Believing I was a B or C student and just average, I pretty much went through the motions. I do give myself credit for getting this far, but I needed to push further.
A dramatic change occurred overnight as a result of a question from my Anatomy & Physiology teacher. He asked the class, “What do you believe about yourself that may be preventing you from succeeding?” I knew I had to be honest. I knew I had to dig deep.
I raised my hand shaking and almost in tears. “I’m a B and C student, Dr. Smith”. This was a very competitive department. I think he was so surprised that I was so honest. He told me he was going to change that belief right away. Our talk was unusual. He worked with brain-damaged patients and had first hand knowledge on what belief could do to you; the belief you had of yourself and the belief that others had for you. He reminded me that this was just a false belief and it wasn’t true. After meeting with him a few times he broke this pattern of belief. Astoundingly, from then on I got straight A’s.
Although it was fantastic to raise my grade point average, the real lesson was to question my beliefs. Are my beliefs serving me? I have realized the real strength comes from within despite what has happened in my life. I am what I believe.
Does your beliefs serve you or limit you? Is your perception of your life not true? Is your belief system working for you or against you? Do you have a self-defeating belief system?
Painting above: "Pedicab Pier 24", 36" x 36", oil on museum wrapped canvas Price $3240
2k14 current footage 5152sq. inches
*All art from Janet Vanderhoof’s Fine Art Gallery, maybe seen in Janet’s studio at Morgan Hill, CA. You may purchase through contacting my email jvander51@msn.com or phone (408) 460-7237. Thank you!
Imperfection and Beauty

“There is a kind of beauty in imperfection”-Conrad Hall
Who are we to define what beauty or perfection is?
I have wondered why artists find “beauty” in the not so beautiful.
I first realized this phenomenon in my figure drawing class. I was attracted to the models of full figure, faces of character and gnarled hands. I was attracted to the philosophical beauty. The slim, perfect beauty that is revered in our society was found boring to me in the art world.
Could perfection erase a story to be told or erase one that was once there?
Does imperfection connect us to our humanity, the realization that we are all connected?
Beauty can come with age as in an object worn from time. Beauty can be found in the humble, the modest and the mundane.
Without imperfection there cannot be perfection. One cannot exist without the other.
Finding the sublime in the not so beautiful, transfers us inward, touches our soul, through truth, honesty and depth.
Tell me your experience of finding perfection in imperfection, where imperfection becomes beauty.
2k14 current footage 3856 sq. inches
*Paintings above~SOLD
*All art from Janet Vanderhoof’s Fine Art Gallery, maybe seen in Janet’s studio at Morgan Hill, CA. You may purchase through contacting my email jvander51@msn.com or phone (408) 460-7237. Thank you!