From November 2019 to March 2020, I created one hundred and twenty, 6” x 6” Cold Wax and Oil paintings, including mixed media on sheets of Arches Oil Paper.
Each painting started with a line using Art Graf. I then either added home made paper, stencil, charcoal, and other mixed media, combined with Oil and Cold wax medium.
My initial intention was to become familiar with abstract design and mark making. Each sheet was a theme of color. Sometimes, I kept in sync with my original intention and sometimes, I surpisingly veered off. But all times, I found something new about myself.
I love working on Arches oil paper. It doesn’t need to be gessoed. Paint and medium can be directly applied to the paper without concern. It also allows for such wonderful marks and texture and shows off the oil paint beautifully.
Painting from the inside out causes you to repeat things that have meaning for you. I started to recognize patterns and marks that are my own.
I decided to pull my favorites from the one hundred and twenty studies and further the series by increasing the size. I am able to increase the 6” x 6” to 36” x 36” using a roll large roll of Arches Oil Paper. I have so many ideas and content, I can’t wait to get started. More on this next week.
Wish me luck!
PS I have posted some of the smaller paintings and they are also available in my portfolio if you are interested
Fantastic! Love to see this.
[…] am continuing my Twelve of Twelve series, in which I have chosen 12 studies to enlarge up to 36” x 36”. There will be many […]
[…] about Arches Oil Paper. Since I was going to be continually using this substrate throughout my Twelve of Twelve series, I thought you might want to know a little about this surface. This paper comes in a variety of […]
[…] painting is the 4th painting of my Twelve of Twelve Series. “Calm” reflects such a deep calm that comes in your later years of life, knowing […]
[…] want to complete my Twelve of Twelve series, in which I enlarge 12 abstract studies to a 36″ x 36″ format. I will be creating […]