I was enticed to paint this painting reflecting the common people, people in our everyday life, such a variety, all unique and distinct. But there was also something “sheepish” about how they were marching all in a row, making sure they kept their appropriate space from the person in front or behind. Some seemed conscious, while others were definitely not present. They almost seemed to be marching, and marching, where? Where are they going? Are we caught following others, sometimes forgetting our own journey or perhaps following others dreams not our own? Or just caught in our daily life routines, one day the same as the next, just out of habit. Can we wake up and enjoy our surroundings?
This is painting thirteen of my #paint52 Challenge and another painting for my San Francisco series. “Twitter Followers” measures 24″ X 48″, oil on linen.
Thanks again for all your support following my challenge and especially when you leave a comment. I so appreciate it.
I would love it if just one of them stopped and spoke to the one behind them…. 🙂
You are right Janice, but I think they are in their own little world. Thank you for leaving a comment 🙂
To me they all seemed to be “marching” except the girl with the white bag. I got the impression that she just realized she forgot something and was putting brakes on to turn around. 🙂
It is easy to wake up and enjoy our surroundings when they include wonderful paintings such as yours.
I love the color, the shapes, the atmosphere! The tension of the movement of the people going one way and the vehicle going another, and the buildings going yet another is brilliant too. It so mirrors the Twitterverse…This is a beautiful painting Janet!
I’m so glad you like it. Love your observation about the directions. Never thought about the buildings also going another direction. I guess the painting is about planes as well. I really appreciate your comments Shannon, thank you!
Thanks Cheryl, I hoped this piece would become a conversation piece. It’s great you are getting into the heads of my imaginary people. Thank you so much really appreciate you taking the time to visit and leave a comment.
I think you catch our tendencies perfectly. Whether we know it or not we are analyzing personal space, trying to keep from popping other’s personal bubbles. We are definitely creatures of habit.
Thank you! Great comment Sarah, “trying to keep from popping other’s personal bubbles”, very well put. There is a fine line isn’t there?
LOL, Janet. The next thing you know, your imaginary might showing up in my blog. 🙂
Beautiful painting Janet!
Very interesting to see how you finished it after you showed us the first “blueprint”
For me it is a great momentum of a typical cross over in a city with all these “unknown moving pedestrians” the longer I watch them the more I want to know about them:)
And Bandit might show up in mine, but that’s a good thing.
Thanks Irmgard, I wondered if I drifted off too far from the blueprint, but the painting basically told me what it wanted throughout its creation. I’m so pleased you liked it!