I think in terms of the day’s resolutions, not the years’. Henry Moore
Artists it is a new year and it beckons you to take risks, stretch yourself and become the best you can be. I have heard many times that New Year’s Resolutions really don’t work. Perhaps this is true. But…..How can we as artists motivate ourselves to be the best we can be? I thought I would make a list of ideas for you to give you some incentive, as well as links from inspiring individuals.
- Be productive by thinking better, use this tool to achieve your goals; this is an excerpt from “Think Better” by innovator Tim Hurson.
- Choose a word that gives you a succinct focus on what you want to accomplish this year.
- Discover a new medium.
- Acquire a new skill.
- Paint larger, smaller, use different tools, or materials.
- Read Big Magic Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert
- Choose one powerful goal. I’m a firm believer if the goal is powerful enough it will overflow to all areas of your career and creativity. Check out my goal to paint 52 paintings in one year. Be sure to listen to the interview for more tips. “Challenge Yourself”
- Plan an art show and find a place to exhibit your art. (In order to sell your art it must be seen)
- Do something scary! Set a goal that is beyond all goals. BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal)
- Take an art workshop.
- Teach an art workshop.
- Create a website or update your website, including getting it mobile ready.
- Start a blog.
- Blog weekly
- Create a Newsletter.
- Join Pinterest, Instagram, or create a page on Facebook
- Focus on selling your art
- Find a mentor.
- Follow informative blogs: Red Dot Blog, Barney Davey, Alyson B Stanfield, Austin Kleon, Empty Easel, Lori McNee, Artsy Shark, The Abundant Artist, and of course mine Janet Vanderhoof
- Do a video demo, post it to YouTube
- Go to art shows, galleries and museums on monthly basis.
- Join “Doing one thing creative a day” with Michael Nobbs “Sustainably Creative”.
- Read “The War of Art: Break Through Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles” by Steven Pressfield.
- Become involved in your local art community.
- And most importantly be consistent with your art practice daily.
Please mention in the comment area below if you have any more to add. I would love to hear your ideas and what you plan on accomplishing this year.
All great suggestions Janet, I am going to click on the links as well. I think this year to move forward I want to post my work on Instagram ( at the urging of my daughter and her friends). I want to shake the dust off my blog. I do a newsletter which I send to all the people on my mailing list and it it works as people do come to my shows from the invitations I send out on it. I would really love to stretch and keep learning by taking a workshop or two. I also want to get into another shop, so that I can reduce the amount of art shows I do a year. I don’t want to eliminate shows, as that is how I meet new collectors face to face and grow my mailing list, but only go to my most successful ones. Thank you for another great post!
Yes shows are very important JoAnne. Like you I am going to focus a lot on Instagram this year. I believe it is better than Twitter and FB for sales. Thanks so much for your support and good luck with your endeavors. Love your work!