Well, it has been a peach of a year. The #paint52 Challenge has come to an end. Not counting one Twitter Art Exhibit painting and a commission shown above, I realized that I not only completed 52 paintings but 53.
What have I learned from this challenge?
Honor your word; it’s not just for you but for others as well.
Challenges can invigorate you.
Reward yourself often.
Set manageable goals and ones that can be measured.
Goals are not an end it iself, enjoy the process or it isn’t worth it.
Telling your goals out loud makes you accountable.
You may have more talent than you realize.
Others are watching you, even though it may not be apparent.
The more you paint the easier it becomes.
One challenge leads to another.
Completing a challenge gives you credibility.
A great sense of accomplishment can come from succeeding in a challenge.
You can’t do it alone.
It takes a village.
I want to thank you all for your support, without you it wouldn’t have been the same. I especially appreciate everyone who has left a comment, a suggestion, or observation. I learned from what you had to say.
*Giclees can be purchased of above painting “Underneath II”, please contact me for prices.
*All art from Janet Vanderhoof’s Fine Art Gallery, maybe seen in Janet’s studio at Morgan Hill, CA. You may purchase through contacting my email jvander51@msn.com or phone (408) 460-7237. Thank you!
Dearest Janet ~ You are an inspiration! And to say I’ve enjoyed walking with you would be an understatement. lol…Love with all my heart Momma, Chrissy!!
Congratulations! You are in inspiration. Do you have a challenge for yourself for 2013?
What a beautiful painting! I’m in awe of your commitment, a painting a week for an entire year! Congratulations!!! We all know life throws a lot of curve balls at us, how impressive you stuck with it through illnesses, bad days, unexpected busyness, shifting plans, etc. I am sorely tempted to take on this challenge for 2013. I’m concerned that with my other duties/responsibilities and day job that I might not be able to meet the challenge. Would you share about how you made this happen despite specific challenges in your own life?
LOL, Leslie you are so right on and when I look back I wonder how did I do it, especially when I was remodling the house and completing two bathrooms. I guess it really boils down to believing in the voice that told me to do it and honoring my word. My word means a lot and if I say I am going to do it, I will. But the goal has to pull you and if it doesn’t pull you enough that it may be impossible to complete. That is why next year I need to have another inspired goal, it can’t be the same, because I did it already, something new and something different. Thank you so much!
Thank you Deb, I need inspiration right now for my next goal, I want to paint larger. Have any ideas?
Love you too Chrissy and I felt you by my side. Thanks so much for your support! Hugs 🙂
CONGRATULATIONS, janet!!! wow! amazing! unbelievable! inspiring! i am truly knocked out by your feat!!! vicki 🙂
Thanks Vicki for helping me make it happen, your comments during the challenge were a great support. 🙂
you’re welcome, janet. you are a great inspiration! 🙂
I am very happy for you, Janet! You have inspired many of us with your courage and commitment. I, for one, look forward to what’s in store for next year. If I may leave you with a suggestion: illustrate a children’s picture book, or two. Love and hugs!
Janet, I’ve so enjoyed seeing the progression of your art this year. So many of the pieces took my breath away. Hopefully one day we really will meet in person. Keep painting beauty.
Thanks again Vicki 🙂
Thank you Jack, I appreciate you visiting and leaving such a wonderful comment. Yes, time to contemplate on my next challenge. You have an idea about a book though. Maybe I could attach blessings with my paintings.
Cynthia you have been so supportive, during this challenge. I am so appreciative and to say that some “took your breath away” is quite a compliment. Yes we will meet next year, that will be a goal. Thanks so much!
It’s hard to believe a year has gone by. You did it and I enjoyed watching you accomplish what you set out to do. Your paintings are beautiful and your challenge was inspiring.
Janet …
Congratulations on achieving your goal. As others have already said, very … very inspiring. And … fabulous work … all of it!
Huge hugs to you!
Hey Cheryl, you have followed my entire journey this year and I really appreciate the support, means so much to me. Thank you so much! 🙂
Gil, never get tired of hearing about it. Thank you for the support and compliments. 🙂
Great work – love your art!
Hi Lila, thank you so much, and thank you for subscribing to my blog. I would love for you to come see my studio and paintings in person some day if you would like, just let me know. Happy Holidays!
What an accomplishment Janet! Great ones too!
Karen so great to hear from you, thank you so much!
Never had the slightest doubt Janet . Just look back and smile a BIG smile … YOU did it !! 🙂
Your challenge was awesome, and you’ve achieved it – just fantastic.
I’ve so enjoyed seeing your paintings arrive, and to share your artistic journey this year. You set out with brushes, canvas and a bag of intensely colourful paints, and have used them as only you can.
Go celebrate, big time! And relax with your achievement.
Thanks for sharing, Rxx
I loved reading about your journey and your art, oh it sings! Thanks for sharing this with us and congratulations!!!
Janet…….you are forever inspiring……love it!!!
Glad you had no doubt David, but I did lol. Thanks so much for the support, now what to do next 🙂
Ruth, what a lovely comment, thank you so much, yes time for a little rest, in anticipation for next year 🙂
Thank so much Shannon, and thank you for being there every week.
So great to see you Steve and thank you for the words of encouragement, really appreciate it 🙂
That is quite a remarkable “Art Journey” you have embarked upon. You have engaged in it so commendably and produced some astounding work.
Congratulations to you Janet!
Congratulations Janet a mighty effort and you should be very proud
Hey Russ,from a painter who is quite prolific, I have much respect for your consistent daily habits in the studio, thank you so much!
Thanks so much Chris and I really appreciate all your support and tweets on my blog.
Hi Janet. Wow, you did it! It is very inspirational to see someone complete a year-long goal. We all know how easy it is to “find a reason” not to. Really loved your work. I should send you photos of your paintings, framed and hanging on my walls. It has been a pleasure “talking” with you and following your journey!
Hi Betty, I’m so glad you posted a comment. You made the challenge quite a success, it has been a real pleasure working with you. I really appreciate our friendship. I would love to have photos of my paintings in their home. Thank you so much!
I never doubted you could and would do it, you seemed so determined and focused when you took on the challenge last year. But I am still amazed that you accomplished this goal, it is truly amazing and inspiring to us all.
Alesha I couldn’t have done it without you and our group, thank you!