More about color it’s meaning and influence visually, auditorily and sensually.
Did you know that green is the most restful color to the human eye also represents fertility, rebirth and freedom. Most street signs are painted in metallic green with white letters for easy readability, hence the green and white sign above Pier 23 Cafe.
Did you know our perception of color could be associated with a perception of another sense? This is called Synthesis, for example a color could represent a sound; red = loud, yellow = shrill or blue = distant. Warm colors are associated with loudness and cool quietness.
Do you find that you are attracted to certain colors when painting or purchasing art? This could reflect your personality and also affect you psychologically.
Have you noticed that grey is very popular lately in homes? Could this reflect the meaning of the color, a stamp of exclusivity and creativity? Grey is a color that enhances all colors that surround it. Neutrals make bright colors sing. Artists who are colorists would do well to know about neutrals.
For every positive side to a color there is also a negative. Black can mean elegance at the same time represent fear and death. Colors can also create different meanings to certain cultures. Although purple is found to symbolize royalty, it can also be the color of mourning for people from Thailand.
A preference for certain colors could reflect your inner desires. Curious what is your favorite color? Tell me your favorite color and I will tell you the qualities you have or perhaps a clue to what you desire?
How can color influence your art, now that you know it is so symbolic and not just visual?
This is my thirty-seventh painting of my #paint52 challenge, medium Atelier Interactive Acrylic on vellum, measures 10″ x 10″, price $240.00 SOLD
*All art from Janet Vanderhoof’s Fine Art Gallery, maybe seen in Janet’s studio at Morgan Hill, CA. You may purchase through contacting my email or phone (408) 460-7237. Thank you!
Fabulous painting Janet and I really enjoyed your post. Red, definitely red :O)
Another beautiful little San Francisco painting! Love the colors and vibrancy. This one will probably find its way to my collection.
Thanks Shannon, red portrays self-motivation, leadership, and generosity. Sounds like a match. 🙂
Thank you Betty, so glad you like it.
Wonderful discussion on color Janet! Color really is a fascinating subject! I am exploring various greys lately and definitely agree that neutrals make other colors sing. One of my favorite colors is Pink –makes me smile. Fabulous Painting Janet—you are a master of color!
Yes Debbie, there is endless information on color and I love learning more about it as I do my blogs. Neutrals are so important. Have you ever seen S.C. Yuans paintings. He used to call his neutrals gold. He would save all the left over paint at the end of the painting session, mix certain colors together and put them in baby jars. When he painted his paintings he would first paint with the neutrals then add limited brights and pure color.
Pink-means support, nurturance, sympathetic and understanding. I really see all of these wonderful qualities in you. Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and leave a message. Hugs 🙂
Hi Janet—I hadn’t heard of S.C. Yuans, but was familiar with the practice of mixing left over paint on your palette to make interesting grays. I will look him up–thanks! I really enjoyed your analysis of my color and your kind words. Hugs! You are always so interesting and have a very inquiring mind! 😀