"What I know for Sure" #paint52

Submersed In Color SOLD

The late Gene Siskel would ask, “What do you know for sure?” in his guest celebrities interviews, which inspired Oprah to write a monthly column “What I know for sure”, finding it a great way for her to take stock of her life.  This is “What I know for Sure” now celebrating my halfway point, twenty-six paintings, towards my #paint52 challenge.  

Mr. Oil is my first love, but I am becoming great friends with Ms. Acrylic.

Painting gives me energy.

 I realize that fear in the studio is a good thing.       

Inspiration shows up when doing the creating.

Show up!         

When in production mode, I become less attached to the painting.  Now I say “Next”.

Quantity produces Quality.

Resistance is the enemy.

I’m not so bad with color; in fact it may be my gift.

My art and my spirit are connected.   

Good things happen when you stretch yourself.

Your art needs to be seen.

Honor yourself and honor your commitment.          

  I’m going to complete 52 paintings this year.

*"Submersed In Color", twenty-sixth painting of #paint52 challenge, mesures 8-1/2" X 8-1/2", Atelier Interactive Acrylic on vellum, price $150. SOLD

California Dreaming #Twitterartexhibit

California Dreaming
California Dreaming

This panting will be part of the Twitter Art Exhibit, initiated by artist David Sandum on Twitter. All entries must be no bigger than a postcard and will be displayed in the Moss Public Library in Norway. The proceeds will be donated to The Women's Crisis Center in Moss, for abused women and their children. The center also provides a 24 hour phone-service, counseling, food and shelter etc. The exhibit will provide much needed support for this charity and will subsidize lost funding that occurred this year. For more information please check out David's website http://davidsandumart.posterous.com/call-for-artists-2nd-twitter-art-exhibit-in-m