“It’s not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is, what are we busy about?“ – Henry David Thoreau

When is the best time of the day to create? I guess the answer is anytime as long as you create.
Each morning I have a plan to get as much done as possible. I do believe my eyes are bigger than my stomach, but I also believe that my schedule is lopsided and out of balance. There are certain things I must do daily and have committed to doing no matter what. I recently added meditation to my list and have been meditating for close to a month. Meditation has made me more focused and also more productive. But it has also made me realize that I am not using my day effectively, especially to create.
So the question when is the best time to create? Everyone probably has a time of the day they feel most productive. I am a morning person so A.M is the most productive time of the day for me. I have heard of people waking up at 3:00 in the morning being inspired regularly to create, so I don’t think there is a hard-set time for creativity and there is an argument that you can’t wait to be inspired before you create you just need to be present and get to work.
In the A.M. I have the most energy and I am the clearest. I usually use this energy to do things that don’t take much thinking; they are habit, exercising, cleaning, chores etc. Then why am I wasting this precious energy that would be most effectively used otherwise especially to create? I do have an answer for that, but that may be another post. I do believe it is “guilt”.
So as of today my schedule is going to change, and that includes creating first thing in the morning. I will try this for 7 days and let you know how my experiment goes.
Would you like to join me? Or is there a schedule that you would like to share that helps you create at your full potential?
Do let us know how your experiment goes. I continually ask myself this question, and reevaluate whether I am using my time well. Thank you for reminding me that I should spend my high-energy time doing my most important, creative work.
Hi Sarah,
I will let you know. I am already figuring some things out and noticing that I am having more time. I’m sure this is going to be a revealing experiment. Thanks for stopping buy love hearing from you!
I do think you need to use the AM time, which you are most energetic, to create your art! Why waste that on chores and just things that are not most important to you? I know they have to be done, but do it later.
My children to go school from 9.00am to 3.00pm on Mon, Tue and Wed, and half days on Thur and Fri, so I paint on the first three days of the week from about 10.30am to 2.30pm. It’s surprising how much time the other things consume on my other non-painting days! It’s amazing!
Hi Janet,
Really interesting – and I think you are right. I know I try to spend my time in the studio ‘wisely’ as whilst I’m there I need to make the most of it. I also try tweaking my schedule quite regularly although there are things I have to do first thing – like take my son to school! I find ‘batching’ really good, and do this as often as I can. Roll on the holidays and I will try creating before I do anything else – apart from make myself a cup of coffee!
Yes Lucy, I am more energetic in the AM. Yes it will consume you if you let it, that’s my problem as well. Like that you have a schedule.
I’m glad you brought up batching, Ruth. I remember Alyson Stanfield suggested it. I need to do more of that makes for a much more efficient day.