“The outer limit of your potential is determined solely by your own beliefs and your own confidence in what you think is possible.” -– Brian Tracy
We’ve all had setbacks. I have had some major ones in my life that started at a young age, especially my father dying when I was 9 years old. My mother sold our home took us out of school and moved to France. I could understand her reasoning’s, since she felt alone and needed to be with her family, but for me that was a lot to absorb. We returned to the United States six months later, due to lack of schools provided in France.
My mother worked full-time, I became a latchkey kid. I was pretty much alone and on my own.
I was brought up to survive.
I had lost my self-esteem and confidence.
We may not realize it, but what we say to others may not seem of any significance, but it may change another person’s life and I thank God for those experiences. My first experience of this was on my graduation day from high school. A simple note from my future brother-in-law saying, “Don’t stop here, the next best 4 years are ahead” had influenced me to go to college. I never believed I could or would go to college. “Wow, someone had faith in me.” It pushed me just enough to complete a two year college and then transfer to San Jose State University, where I majored in Speech Pathology and Audiology.
Believing I was a B or C student and just average, I pretty much went through the motions. I do give myself credit for getting this far, but I needed to push further.
A dramatic change occurred overnight as a result of a question from my Anatomy & Physiology teacher. He asked the class, “What do you believe about yourself that may be preventing you from succeeding?” I knew I had to be honest. I knew I had to dig deep.
I raised my hand shaking and almost in tears. “I’m a B and C student, Dr. Smith”. This was a very competitive department. I think he was so surprised that I was so honest. He told me he was going to change that belief right away. Our talk was unusual. He worked with brain-damaged patients and had first hand knowledge on what belief could do to you; the belief you had of yourself and the belief that others had for you. He reminded me that this was just a false belief and it wasn’t true. After meeting with him a few times he broke this pattern of belief. Astoundingly, from then on I got straight A’s.
Although it was fantastic to raise my grade point average, the real lesson was to question my beliefs. Are my beliefs serving me? I have realized the real strength comes from within despite what has happened in my life. I am what I believe.
Does your beliefs serve you or limit you? Is your perception of your life not true? Is your belief system working for you or against you? Do you have a self-defeating belief system?
Painting above: “Pedicab Pier 24″, 36″ x 36”, oil on museum wrapped canvas Price $3240
2k14 current footage 5152sq. inches
*All art from Janet Vanderhoof’s Fine Art Gallery, maybe seen in Janet’s studio at Morgan Hill, CA. You may purchase through contacting my email jvander51@msn.com or phone (408) 460-7237. Thank you!