Success is neither magical or mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals.~Jim Rohn
Art 2K14 was my third art challenge in a row. I am still learning about myself, my art and the business of marketing as I complete each challenge. My focus was to continue to paint 15,000 to 20,000 square inches for the year, but my biggest focus and challenge was to market and sell more art. It turned out to be a very successful year. In fact, my 2K14 sales was 4 x’s the amount that I sold the first challenge, as I consecutively doubled each year. I would like to share some of the things I learned this year and perhaps you can tell me what worked for you this year.
If you don’t make your art public and available for your customers to see your sales will be random.
Out of site out of mind.
Not every venue is the best venue for your work.
You need to know who your customers are.
The more you try different venues, restaurants, country clubs, wineries, galleries, etc. the easier it will be to find out what is more effective and productive for sales.
Build a relationship with your customers and reward them for being your customers.
Great customers love your work and are great promoters of your work, use it to your benefit and their benefit.
Brainstorm and be creative with new ideas and venues for your art.
If a venue was very successful, try to line up the next year with duplicate venue that can either be the same or evolve into something bigger.
It’s important that your art is sold by people who love your work.
Keep in contact with your customers, through newsletters, email, snail mail or visits; let them know what you are up to.
Remember your customer’s taste. When you paint something you know they would like, personally contact them and give them first choice.
Make sure you know what your dollar goal is for the year. Keep track of your sales monthly, to figure out your pace for the year.
If you succeed your goal, please keep up the momentum and take advantage of the sales.
Sales come in spurts.
Always be building inventory because without inventory there is no sales.
Have a variety of art to fit all your customer’s needs.
Make sure you save enough of your money from your sales to cover your supplies and extra costs.
Be willing to invest in high quality materials, including framing; your customers will notice.
And lastly, if you start becoming really successful, don’t sabotage yourself. You deserve your success, because you worked hard for it. Keep up the momentum.
*15,000 square inches completed for 2K14
** “Lost Horizon” 36″ x 36″, acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas, Price $3240, If you would like to purchase this painting please contact me at jvander51@msn.com or call (408)460-7237 Thank you!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! You are an inspiration!
Thank you for sharing your tips for success.
Here’s one from me…. take a chance, try new things, keep what works, learn from the rest. And most of all…. SHOW UP!
Love your work!
HNY 2015!
PS: you need to charge more… but not until I have purchased my Kauai painting! ;o)
Thank you Michelle,here’s to a great 2015 for both of us.Hugs, Happy New Year!
Great post! You are definitely an inspiration!!!
Thank you for sharing all these tips!
Wishing you Good Health, Peace, many sales and Much Happiness in the New Year!
What a wonderful artist you are… that painting is so lively and energetic. Thank you so much for sharing what you have learned about selling and marketing your art successfully. I’m going to keep this article in my “art advice” folder and re-read it and act upon it.
Happy New Year. May 2015 be the BEST year yet!
Brianna Rush (Mary Rush Gravelle)
Thank you so much for this post! I was exposed to it by my friend, Ethan Cranke(.com), who is my best friend, and a fine artist. I’ve been thinking up new ways of promoting his work, as I am in the media industry and specialize in videography, event planning and have my own TV show. I think it is good that artists support each other, and help each other find the right customers for their work. In some ways, it’s like any small business, where each individual has a speciality and a style. With me, it’s video hosting The Rena Nicole Show and producing videos for people to help market themselves, with Ethan, it’s contemporary oil painting, and from what I can see from your work, you do tropical paintings, and quite well, I might add! Thanks for sharing your experience, and I think a great person for you to connect with is Susan Teton Campbell! She is a chef in the islands and I think she would love your work! Ciao for now! ~Rena Nicole
Janet! Congratulations on another great year. Thanks so much for sharing your insights. I’m going to print them off and hang them in my studio. I agree with Meeshka, you are in inspiration. All the best in the coming year. Can’t wait to hear what the new challenge might be.
Jean that is so great. I so appreciate you connecting and I am thankful that my post had some value for you. Thank you so much!
Rena, so glad to meet you and thank you for referring me to Susan. Ethan mentioned that he had a wonderful friend helping him. Ethan is a great guy and I am glad you are there to support him. Yes I do believe we should share information. My beliefs are there is plenty for everyone, no need to keep valuable information to ourselves. Thanks again and keep in touch!
Brianna, thank you it really pleases me that you enjoyed the post so much. Hope you have a wonderful and successful 2015 HNY!
Thank you Dora, you inspire me! I appreciate you connecting and have a wonderful New Year!
Congratulations on completing another challenge! Your work and words have been very inspirational for me. Learned of you through Artbiz. I too took on a challenge of my own this year of 100 paintings. But, I came up short at 86. Made a list of what I learned and set a new goal of 101, but with a few parameters of a few series and sizes. Guess I learned not to fear failure, but to always move forward. Love the Einstein quote, “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried something new.” So, I will continue to watch and read your blogs as I continue my journey. Thank you for sharing yours. Best of luck to you in 2015. Happy Painting!
So glad we connected Karen. A 100 paintings is quite a challenge. I’m still trying to figure out my goal for 2015, could it be dollars sold or does it need to be deeper than that? You definitely didn’t make a mistake painting 86 paintings and you probably learned a ton as well as gained confidence. Also I am thinking of monthly goals changing them as I go along this year. I want to make sure I keep it fresh. May 2015 be full of inspiration and creativity.
Congratulations on your successful year! These are great tips for aspiring artists! Thank you! It’s finally a great time to be an artist and I’m so looking forward to this year! Love your work:)
Thank you so much Jen! Yes I feel the same way it is a good time to be an artist.
Hi Janet,
Thanks for sharing all of these tips together with your wonderful colourful work.
Am sat in my studio with 2 paintings on-the-go and a set of challenging plans for 2015.
Here’s to inspiration and success all-round!
Best wishes,
Janet, you are truly inspiring!
Thank you so much Ruth, would love to hear about your plans for this year. Wishing you much success too!
Thank you Shannon!
Thank you Janet
I found your article to be very helpful and easy to understand. You have highlighted some very practical tips that are also easy to follow.
You did not mention joining your local art council or community as a way of getting more publicity. I have been thinking about doing this to help with my art and wonder if you have ever joined one in your career.?
Thank you again for the great article.