Valley of the Heart
Valley of the Heart

With a commitment to building a more vibrant blog, I signed up for the 4-week Blog Triage class with Cynthia Morris and Alyson Stanfield. Today’s assignment is to describe the people I want to visit and read my blog.

This is difficult for me to pinpoint exactly who should read my blog, but I will say my intention is to bring you beauty, inspiration, education and innovation.

How will I do this?

Beauty: Through my creations whether it is my poetry or art, I hope to allow a space for respite and renewal.

Inspiration: Through my #paint52 Series, which takes you on a journey of my challenge to paint 52 paintings in one year, I hope to inspire you to create as well.

Innovation: Through alternative ways to create digitally and other mediums of exploration in art, become familiar with ways that can enhance your creations.

Education: By bringing to you art tips, history and literature regarding art.
my desire is to create dialogs with my friend’s fans and collectors.

In this fast moving world of left-brain activities, I hope to open your heart, stimulate your mind and feed your soul.