“Fundraising is an extreme sport!” ~Marc A. Pitman
Twitter Art Exhibit the brainchild of Swedish Artist David Sandum, is a nonprofit organization, now in full force with their third exhibit in process. Past exhibits in 2010, at the Moss Library in Norway provided books for children and 2012 also in Moss, Norway provided funds to the Women’s Crisis Center.
The next Twitter Art Exhibit, January 2013, will be held in Los Angeles at the Exhale Unlimited Gallery, proceeds will support underserved youth in L.A.’s Rampart District (ages 18 – 25) in preparation for careers in the visual arts. The goal to surpass their last event of 360 artists from 32 countries. Participate by submitting a 4” x 6” postcard size art piece, which will be sold for $35.00 ea. Please check out http://twitterartexhibit.org/callforartists for further information on participation. Deadline for Submission is Friday, January 4, 2013, so hurry Twitter aritists and create your piece. I will be submitting “Powel Street Cable Car 25”.
Painting 4” X 6” cards can be extremely fun. The following 3 paintings resulted, in desire to capture the right painting for the Twitter Art Exhibit event.

I hope Twitter Artists you can participate in the event it is such a great cause and a wonderful way for artists to have an impact on the world.
“Through art we can change the world” David Sundum
I just love your colors Janet!
Cheryl, thank you so much and really appreciate your support.