Blake's Birthday Present

Power Rangers
Power Rangers

"It's Morphin' Time!"-Jason Power Ranger


I was on a mission to paint four Power Rangers for my son Blake. We had remodeled his bedroom over six months ago, leaving his walls bare for that period of time. Blake asked me numerous times to paint the power rangers for him, but to be honest with you I was so confused about what he wanted, I chose to opt out.

He specifically wanted a Red Power Ranger, a Black Power Ranger, a Green Power Ranger and a White Power Ranger. Who would think that there were so many Red Power Rangers to choose from, and Blake wanted no other than “Zeo” Red Power Ranger

Zeo Red Power Ranger 24" x 36" acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas
Zeo Red Power Ranger
24" x 36" acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas

The same thing went for the Black Power Rangers, too numerous to mention. His choice was “Dino Thunder Black Ranger”. “Oh Lord Have Mercy On Me.” If it wasn’t for my son Blair now 32 years old, who experienced them first hand, I wouldn’t have known who was who. Here’s a little trivia. Did you know that Black Rangers are often in the core Ranger team? When the Black Power Ranger isn’t among one of the core five Rangers team, the Green Ranger takes his place.

Dino Thunder Black Ranger 24" x 36" acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas
Dino Thunder Black Ranger
24" x 36" acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas



Now for the White and Green Power Ranger, Blake wanted the original, since again there isn’t just one, but many to choose from. He wanted the Green and White Power Ranger played by Tommy Oliver. Another trivia, White Rangers can be male or female. The Green Ranger is usually the jokester. 

White Power Ranger 24" X 36" acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas
White Power Ranger
24" X 36" acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas

Blake had a specific order in which the Rangers were to be painted, Red, Green, White then Black. The taskmaster quickly reminded me after I finished one to get started painting the next one as quickly as possible. Remember, I had to finish these by his Birthday. All completed in a month, each acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas, measure 24” x 36”.

Green Power Ranger 24" x 36" acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas
Green Power Ranger
24" x 36" acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas


After completing the paintings I consulted Feng Shui master Deborah Gee for their correct placement in Blake’s room. Using the Bagua map I placed the Black Power Ranger to the left of his bed as you enter the room and the Green to the right of his bed. She told me to move the Green Ranger, because the sword conflicted with the energy in the current location and will offer Blake protection when placed directly in front of the entrance of the room. The Red Ranger was then placed to the right of the bed and the White Ranger was placed opposite the wall of his bed.

There is such a good feeling when you enter the room. I feel the Rangers protection and positive energy; each one embedded with my love for Blake.


Dear Blake,

You know I would do anything for you and thank you for the journey and Happy Birthday!

Love you, Mom


Anatomy of an Art Show


Cultural Community Center, Morgan Hill, CA
Cultural Community Center, Morgan Hill, CA


It's one bloody little achievement after the other. (Joseph P. Blodgett)

Well, you can't have a show without a body of work and for the last three years that has been my focus.  Although, I have sold quite a few pieces, I have continued to replace with more paintings.  I am currently showing my work at the Cultural Community Center, which is my fourth venue so far this year, with a fifth to follow in November at Fast Frame.  I am very pleased with the outcome.  

photo 3-7

Most of the places I showed this year were planned between a year and six months ahead of time. Some shows were very focused on selling work and others were to get exposure.  The Cultural Community Center has up to 4,000 people visitors a month. 

photo 5-5

I thought I would give you an idea how this show evolved from beginning to end, perhaps giving you some ideas for your future shows.  Not all venues are the same so you have to plan accordingly.  


First, I visit the venue prior to the show and take measurements as well as get a general idea of where I will put my art.  This gives me an idea of how big the pieces can be and the groupings that will create the most impact.  It's important to know exactly what you will need and the requirements that are set up by the venue coordinator; always important to contact them and confirm any last minute details, plus the specific time that they want you to set up. I was lucky enough they had hangers for the paintings, a ladder and a platform cart for loading and unloading.


 photo 1-16


At home prior to the show, I pulled all the pieces that I thought would give me the most dramatic show.  By sorting the paintings by size, it not only helped me figure the amount of paintings to bring, but was much easier to load in the car.

photo 1-15


 Taking account of how many pieces that are needed for the show should be done way ahead of time, especially if you need to paint more paintings.  Luckily, I had a body of work.  

photo 5-4


I then make labels for all my paintings, including the details of each piece:  the title, the size, medium, my name, email and website address.

photo 5-3

 I also printed out a one page Biography to be put on display with my business cards.  

photo 2-13



I have a bag that I bring that is always on hand and ready, that include hangers, my business cards, a tape measure, calculator and blue tape.  The blue painters tape is great for adhering the labels below each painting, without taking any paint off the walls.  I also make a list of all my paintings that I bring.  Sometimes I don't use every painting brought to the venue.   After I complete the hanging, I use my list to account for each piece used.  The ones not used I just cross out.  I give a copy to the coordinator and keep one for myself, as well as keep a copy of any contract signed.




I chose to use fairly large paintings at the Community Center because they had so many large walls.  Small paintings would have disappeared and showed little impact.  

photo 2-12


Also very important, bring some help.  Two hands are always better than one. 

 Lastly, notify your customers about the particulars of your show, by sending an invitation, an email, a personal phone call or a newsletter.   

Here are the details and location of the show.  I would love for you to contact me if you are in the area.  I can meet you there and also take you out to lunch.  

CCC Art Exhibit Date:
August 26, 2014-September 25, 2014
8:00 AM-5:00 PM
Time Details:
Art Exhibit Hours: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday - Friday
Community and Cultural Center
17000 Monterey Road
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
(408) 782-0008


If you would like to contact me, either email me at or call (408) 460-7237  Thank you!







Do You Have a Sacred Place?


A Sacred Place
A Sacred Place-36" x 36" acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas $3240

Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again. -- Joseph Campbell   


I’m a contemplative. I don’t know if I always was one or if that developed after I decided to stay home when Blake was born. I used to be in wholesale lumber sales, where constant noise and activity was the norm. I enjoyed the adrenaline rush of selling a commodity item and yet now I enjoy the quiet solitude of being home.


I have a “sacred space” that I visit regularly. It faces the most spectacular view. As I sit in this space, I easily go within. It puts me in a place of no time where I connect to the larger mind. Here I listen, I pray, I learn, and get inspired. I have been going to this space almost daily for the last 25 years. I originally went to this “sacred space” to be heard and prayed often for it. But now I have learned to listen and be.   I am guaranteed something will always happen when I am in this space, especially if I am open.


Listening to the constant chatter that surrounds us daily from social media, the news, television, our cell phones or just noise in general prevents us from hearing our creative muse. Our thoughts from the reptilian brain, the extraneous debris of unusable information encloses us from the frontal creative part of our brain. We become unfocused and distracted by rampant thoughts causing our internal space to be small and cramped. Quietness and solitude can create a vast space for innovative ideas, inspiration, guidance and problem solving.


Find your sacred space, it can be at home, in nature, or wherever you can find a moment of peace and quiet. Soon you will discover this sacred place will also become your creative space, a place of no limits, boundaries or time.



An Idea Comes to Fruition





View From Il Vigneto Sold 30" x 40" oil and acrylic
View From Il Vigneto Sold 30" x 40" oil and acrylic



I have been envisioning this show since last year.  Taking workshops from Alyson B. Stanfield made me realize I needed to start focusing on showing my work.  So, I had an idea last year to combine wine with art. Since I love both, it seemed like a perfect match.

CordeValle Art Show
CordeValle Art Show

I pitched my idea to the food and beverage manager at CordeValle.   She was working on bringing high quality wine tasting to the club.  It was a perfect time to introduce my idea. The idea evolved and soon she gave me a few wineries to choose from. I chose Buoncristiani .

Wine and Art on the Oak Terrace CordeValle
Wine and Art on the Oak Terrace CordeValle

It was a beautiful day and day turned into night. Decorated with wonderful lights and a spectacular backdrop of Lion’s Gate Valley, the show was off to a great start. Nate Buoncristiani, was a lovely man and we worked so well together, he pouring beautiful wine and my art encircling the Oak Terrace, caught the attention of the private members of CordeValle. It turned out to be a sensational event. The stars were out, the air was warm, the people stayed and enjoyed the moment.


Dusk at CordeValle
Dusk at CordeValle

I have to say that it was a wonderful idea that came to fruition. It turned out to be their best wine tasting event ever, lasting well through the night. It was a success for CordeValle and also for me; nothing like a win-win situation.


*Painting above "View From Il Vignio"-30" x 40" Acrylic and oil on canvas, $3000  SOLD



When Is The Most Creative Time Of The Day?


It’s not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is, what are we busy about?“ – Henry David Thoreau

"View From The 18th Hole" 36" x 48" gallery wrapped, Oil and Acrylic  $4320
"Cypress at Pebble Beach" 36" x 48" gallery wrapped, Oil and Acrylic $4320


When is the best time of the day to create?  I guess the answer is anytime as long as you create.

Each morning I have a plan to get as much done as possible. I do believe my eyes are bigger than my stomach, but I also believe that my schedule is lopsided and out of balance. There are certain things I must do daily and have committed to doing no matter what. I recently added meditation to my list and have been meditating for close to a month. Meditation has made me more focused and also more productive. But it has also made me realize that I am not using my day effectively, especially to create.

So the question when is the best time to create? Everyone probably has a time of the day they feel most productive. I am a morning person so A.M is the most productive time of the day for me. I have heard of people waking up at 3:00 in the morning being inspired regularly to create, so I don’t think there is a hard-set time for creativity and there is an argument that you can’t wait to be inspired before you create you just need to be present and get to work.

In the A.M. I have the most energy and I am the clearest. I usually use this energy to do things that don’t take much thinking; they are habit, exercising, cleaning, chores etc. Then why am I wasting this precious energy that would be most effectively used otherwise especially to create?   I do have an answer for that, but that may be another post. I do believe it is “guilt”.

So as of today my schedule is going to change, and that includes creating first thing in the morning. I will try this for 7 days and let you know how my experiment goes.

Would you like to join me? Or is there a schedule that you would like to share that helps you create at your full potential?

*Cypress at Pebble Beach, 36" x 48" oil and acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas, $4320
2k14 current footage 7,780 sq. inches
*All art from Janet Vanderhoof’s Fine Art Gallery, maybe seen in Janet’s studio at Morgan Hill, CA. You may purchase through contacting my email or phone (408) 460-7237. Thank you!