I am taking a break from Facebook. I am also remodeling my kitchen. And I am 68 years old. What do all these things have in common? Well things inevitably change. What used to work for me is not working for me anymore. I love “most” of the people I follow on Facebook, but I realized that it was not a great use of my time, especially when I am remodeling my kitchen. Time is valuable and it is more evident as I get older.
I have walked at least a thousand miles and yet where have I ended up? Have I become all that I want to be at 68 years old? Has my art been a success? All these are good questions. I don’t want to be walking aimlessly, but to have goals and desires that pull me and fill me.
My life has become too serious and I almost forgotten how to play. Can you enjoy, have fun and still be productive and successful? Playing has taken me on a new journey with my subject matter. My new journey as an artist is creating abstract art using the female figure. I am focusing on one thing; women in all sizes and shapes. Using stencils, mixed media, charcoal, oil pastel, pallet knives, large brushes, and painting on Arches oil paper, has resulted in the most surprising and interesting textures that can only be appreciated in person. And in the process I am having fun.
From now on this is my requirement for doing my art. I must have fun and enjoy, otherwise it becomes drudgery for me. Using the tools above opened my eyes to successfully creating and satisfying the child in me at the same time.
“Chances” is the name of the painting above. It measures 18″ x 26″, available for purchase. The first statement is an entire abstract painting, next a figure drawn in charcoal then layered with oil paint using larger brushes and pallet knife. I used a roller, as well, to loosen up the work and create soft edges. Scraping and stencils under and over the figure were also used to create interest.
Please contact me if you are interested in purchasing or have any questions in regards to “Chances”. I also would love hearing from you and any comments you may have on your journey.
I hope you enjoy this new way of my creating. Thank you for your time!